May 7, 2009

Swishing Party anyone

I am very behind in LIFE. I went to fill up today and the gas station attendants and mechanics were laughing at me because I was driving around with an expired April 08 sticker on my car. 
I have been so "under water" at the store that I am sort of walking in a cloud. 


Not to complain but all this negative press about the H1N1 Virus (Swine Flu) and the continuation of them beating the down economy is just not inspiring me to write about what seems to be trivial these days- style and fashion? What do they have against poor helpless, defenseless pigs anyway?

I did get a great tip to share with you from one of my favorite gals Nancy H. She found a great South End boutique which I have yet to check out but she gives them high marks. Looc Boutique at 12 Union Park Boston 02118 call them (617) 357-5333. I trust Nancy as she has the most impeccable taste. I hope to check this out myself, soon. 

One more thing that seems to be all the rage and should be on all our radar screens is the "swishing" party. A clothing swap.  I know that a bunch of consignment shops are thriving and Jody of our NOHO store just did her big clothing tag sale in Northampton, MA. I would be interested in finding out if any one would be up for a clothing swap by invitation only. It could be a fundraiser in addition to a big clothing swap. 
Let me know your thoughts.

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