May 20, 2009

Let's do a wee bit of bird watching

We finally have some good participation from the audience. I love getting your feedback and sharing it with the blog readers. 

Nora C- who is in my opinion, the queen of all luxury goods shopping, has a list of great on line shopping options. I must defer to her, as I am still old school. I want to see it, touch it, feel the fabrics, the whole thing. I very rarely order on line for that reason and my fit is so tricky. 
Here's to Nora C- who will be giving us more but for now try: and bird  Two very cool sites. 

Joan K- also a savvy shopper was talking up Nancy H's recommendation for Looc in the South End. She loves the whole area Union Park Street and all the surrounding streets and alley ways with great restaurants, galleries and stores. 

Keep it coming gals and guys too. 

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