January 18, 2014

Take your medicine!

A stylist that takes her own advice - now that is someone to hire. I confess that I wait till the very last minute to get my esthetician to do my brow and lip wax service. I am such a baby when it comes to pain. I wait beyond the appropriate time to clean up my brows.

I went to Donna Beatrice at Elizabeth Grady this week in my soon to be stomping grounds of Beverly, MA - 53 Dodge Street Beverly, MA call for appointments at (978) 232-1110.

Trained with the Elizabeth Grady school she has been an esthetician and make up artist for 30 years.

Here is the true test - the next day I went to the new Lynnfield shopping area known as Market Street for a quick walk in mani-pedi service and the esthetician there noticed how great my brows looked and wanted to know who did them. The sign of a great service is when another service provider notices your "look" and takes the time to comment on it.

I clearly believe good grooming and keeping it maintained is one tool in your tool box of style. I just need to take a dose of my own medicine and keep my self on a regular schedule and deal with the pain of the service.  Such a small price to pay!

Keep brows and lips and chins looking clean and well groomed. Style starts and ends with details and having your smallest of details fine tuned contributes to your overall look and enhances any wardrobe you may be sporting for winter, spring summer or fall.

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