January 2, 2011

The Shoe

Well folks as much as I love my Grandma and miss her so much I do not like inheriting her foot issues.

Donata Gentilucci Piselli had bunions on the feet. Now so do I. That eliminates the notion of my ever wearing any type of sexy footwear or high heels.

This never manifested itself until I started working in retail in 2001 - I now spend 7.0+ hours per day on my feet, running around helping customers, climbing ladders, standing and steaming clothes and restocking and cleaning up the selling floor.

So alas, I give you the Dansko clog. This is what I am reduced to. I got these just this fall at The Barn in Newton, MA. I thought yellow iridescent snake finish, Why Not? After all I called them gold toned.

I planned to pair them just with denim but now I do find that I wear them with most everything. I have to say if you are in any way in a profession where you stand on your feet, these are a God send. Try them once and you will be hooked.

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