February 19, 2009

Bloggers Galore

Well, well, well, there appears to be a good amount of fashion blogging activity out there in this city and some sites are getting props from the Boston press. 

Kori and Olivia are teenage bloggers so there is always something to learn about pop culture and tween/teen fashion.  Martine is in her early 30's so her style is quite artisitc, global and youthfully fresh. 

Style, Fashion and Compassion is for those of us who just turned 40ish, I am taking a bit of a laid back approach to style and fashion and blogging in general. I think of myself as the ordinary stylist for everyday fashion forward thinking  gals in our fourties. Mature but young and fun at heart.  I want us all to find the affordable, reasonable, classic style and fashions that set us apart from the tweens, teens, 20 and 30 year olds. 

So keep reading! 


Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to see someone think of us " young at heart" women and to suggest some essential style forward pieces to spice up our wardrobe. Keep up the blogging!

Nature Graffiti said...

thank you so much for your kind words!
your blog is lovely :)

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