October 19, 2008

Less is Best

A few tips to start out your week, and be green and beautiful at the same time. 

Less is more. You really do not need 10 different scarves and wraps. You do not need 50 pair of shoes.

Buy it wear it. You really do not need to hoard your clothes, saving it for best as we used to say in the old days. 

Recycle and Reuse. You can always give clothing to charity, find a way to donate it or consign it. You really do not need to ever throw away fabric.

Simplify your wardrobe. You really do not need it all, now is the time to purge for the fall and winter season. 

Outfit yourself with repurposed items. Melt down that gold and have something made from it that you will actually wear. You really do not need tons of unworn rings, bangles and broken earrings. 

Shop vintage, thrift store, flea markets, e-bay and yard sales. You really do not need to always buy it new. 

Spend some time this week thinking about what you already own and what you can buy that represents organic, renewable or recycled fashions. Find ways to buy fair trade products. 


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